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发表于 2012-6-15 11:24:59 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Estes: My main goal is Olympic gold

About the beginning of preparation for Olympic Games in London, the last qualifying tournaments and a secret of sports longevity in an exclusive interview with the attacker of team Russia Evgenia Estes.

- Evgeniya, tell us how to pass a training camp in Anapa? In what schedule you are engaged?

- Three days we work, one we have a rest. While there is an involving mode. We work in the gym, and with the ball, but without jumps. After the day off we shall start to be engaged under the full program.

- What is the mood in the team?

- Everything is already in place in all spirit of good, positive.

- During the holidays a little time to miss friend of each other, and in volleyball?

- I think that was not enough time to be able to fully rest and recover, and especially to become bored.

- How do you feel?

- Normally, there are no serious problems.

- How did you spend your holidays?

- I went back home to America, where has spent time with family.

- To Volleyball dedicate there some time?

- No, just fitness. First, it was not possible to play volleyball, and secondly, I did not see the point.

- We shall return to selection Olympic tournament to Tokyo which you have safely won. Than have remained are happy in actions of a command and above what all of you should work still?

- I think our main problem remains the same is the reception. Now we need more time and attention is paid to this technical component. On the whole we coped with this task.

- Experts have noted that the main reason for the positive outcome of the tournament for the Russian team was the team game. Do you agree? Managed successfully to played with each other?

- Has put not so much in teamwork, how many in a spirit of each member of a team and desire to win. Everyone understood that it is impossible to relax, have to fight to the end. In principle, we have all turned out quite well.

- Do you think why our team has not turned out as fine to act on the previous qualifying match in Ankara?

- In a very short period of time girls are just not able to recover, they are tired and have been squeezed out of the country after after the ending of national championship. They did not have enough time to workout. Outside of any doubts, it has played the role.

-Between tournaments in Ankara and Tokyo you also had not enough time for trainings and rest, but it has somehow turned out to result itself in a fighting condition. In what a secret?

- A special secret there. Simply, we understand that this is our last chance to get to the Olympics. We are very conscious that we must give everything 100%, whatever it may cost us.

- By the way, the main trainer of national team Sergey Ovchinnikov praised you in the subsequent interviews. Personally it something spoke you in occasion of your performance?

- Personally to me he said nothing.

- The team is not accepted someone to praise or blame someone else?

- Difficult to answer because I do not know so well Sergey Anatolyevich, I do not know how he talks and stuff.

- And as consider, you managed to show the level in Japan?

- I cannot tell, that is happy with myself in each of the last matches. There is always some error, there's no getting around it. The main thing is that the team has achieved a positive result, won and earned to the Olympic Games. This achievement is not only mine or someone else, and the whole team. We all worked together.

- What are your plans before the Olympics?

- Now we are here in Anapa, then go to the Yeltsin Cup, but what would then,  I precisely do not know, it is not known with whom we shall play for friendly matches. Before the Olympics, we planned to camp in Novogorsk.

- If you go to London this year, then for you it will be the sixth Olympic Games in the career! How do you perceive is the grand master achievement?

- Each person has their own role and mission in this life. At me, probably, such the way. And then, I have not finished a career, I continue to speak. No matter how many I had played for the Olympics, most importantly, I have not yet achieved the desired result - a gold medal. That's why I really want to win this tournament at last.

- Do you remember your first Games in Barcelona in 1992?

- Of course, all I remember.

- What brightest memoirs have remained with you since then?

- As I came out to replace and help the team. At that age, lay on my shoulders a great responsibility. Apparently, the coach decided to test me stress if I go on court and play at the world level. It was a very good training, and I remember it perfectly. All this helped a lot in the future.

- While you still a young athlete, able to calmly go to court and win back your time? Unless a knees were not shaking and the hands are not became "stone"?

- No, probably, at me it is character, such training. Shaking - Do not shake, and play right.

- Can you allocate any brightest impressions game for career?

- I cannot name any one game which has left the brightest impression in my life. No more. Each game is something to remember, it's always a new experience.

- And if we talk about Olympic medals, then which of the three was the long awaited and hard?

-. Some silver medals in my career were as gold as I understand, how many in it has been enclosed forces, work, time and energy.

- You, Katya Gamova, Lyuba Sokolova all started to play for the national team in a fairly young age. Why now such practically is not present? What is the reason?

- The reason that we do not have such sports schools now in where children actively would be engaged, educated talent. It turns out slightly that the player was allocated also everything, it already a star. This is wrong. The more you put in the child at a young age are gradually teaching it all the necessary basics, the more this will result in the player in the future. Only it will not be one-day volleyball player, who flashed a season or two, and then went into the shadows, and the player who can lead the team.

I'm not saying that we do not have talented kids, absolutely on the contrary, it is a lot of them. But we do not have well-constructed by a system of junior training athletes. Look, now the majority of clubs mostly only buy players, and do not raise their own.

- Again, you and Lyuba, and Ekaterina has long been performing at the highest level. What exactly is your secret sporting longevity?

- All depends on desire and character. Of course, without the talent here, can not do too. The keystone to success consists half of talent, half from working capacity and desire.

- What are you pushing forward the desire to win Olympic gold, or just love for volleyball?

- Both that, and more. Love for volleyball here is not manage. I gave so many years in the sport, has invested so much effort that it is difficult to imagine life without it. And, of course, every athlete has set some higher purpose, and gradually comes to it, step by step. When you reach it, probably is the greatest happiness. You realize that all was knowingly, that you have made something great plus have benefitted the country and pleasure to fans.

发表于 2012-6-15 12:46:50 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2012-6-15 13:30:18 | 显示全部楼层


哈哈 是的 我就做下搬运工当做给主场档案馆补完好啦 哈哈  详情 回复 发表于 2012-6-15 14:08

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-6-15 14:08:42 | 显示全部楼层

哈哈 是的 我就做下搬运工当做给主场档案馆补完好啦 哈哈

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发表于 2012-6-15 16:33:43 | 显示全部楼层
对于俄罗斯而已, 索克洛娃要比她重要得多。。 如果索科洛娃真不参加奥运会, 她也不用指望什么奥运金牌了


也未必~~~索科洛娃就是跳发球比ATA强而已,其他在一传与防守上两要可以说相差无几,甚至ATA会更好。 至说你说到战术攻,不在索科,在二传,二传不给,或现在所谓的主攻接应站位, 索科能打的快变攻真的不多,但她  详情 回复 发表于 2012-6-15 21:37
恩恩 只能和你说宇宙第一大牌的标签索科依然蛇舍我其谁地贴在脸上 不过人都来又何从谈起呢 我选择相信教练和雪豹说的 estes came back bring confidenceand huge benefits,best player of russia proved it again  详情 回复 发表于 2012-6-15 16:56

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-6-15 16:56:39 | 显示全部楼层
virna 发表于 2012-6-15 16:33
对于俄罗斯而已, 索克洛娃要比她重要得多。。 如果索科洛娃真不参加奥运会, 她也不用指望什么奥运金牌了

恩恩 只能和你说宇宙第一大牌的标签索科依然蛇舍我其谁地贴在脸上
不过人都来又何从谈起呢 我选择相信教练和雪豹说的 estes came back bring confidenceand huge benefits,best player of russia  proved it again.排球是团队运动,队员心中连信任都不能获得,谈什么团队合作,心灵的内耗都会拖垮队伍,我很高兴,Zhenya的经验排球在各个环节稳定发挥之余,能成为稳定军心的积极能量。

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发表于 2012-6-15 17:07:32 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2012-6-15 17:32:26 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2012-6-15 17:41:00 | 显示全部楼层
最美的阿塔  就是爱你

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发表于 2012-6-15 17:55:24 | 显示全部楼层
說真的 要單拿兩位以往奧運會上的表現來比較的話...高低顯而易見

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发表于 2012-6-15 20:24:01 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2012-6-15 20:53:57 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2012-6-15 21:37:57 | 显示全部楼层
virna 发表于 2012-6-15 16:33
对于俄罗斯而已, 索克洛娃要比她重要得多。。 如果索科洛娃真不参加奥运会, 她也不用指望什么奥运金牌了


至说你说到战术攻,不在索科,在二传,二传不给,或现在所谓的主攻接应站位, 索科能打的快变攻真的不多,但她有可能经常卡死在4号位,在4号位上,她还真没ATA这么放心,一直都没有。后攻ATA也不弱,所以,不是说索科不来我们就把话说得有多难听就有多的难听,但不能说没有索科,只有ATA,俄罗斯就指望不了金牌,ATA的作用丝毫不弱于SOKO。只是SOKO有时能偷几个背飞背溜背错夹三等,但ATA的4号位强攻又远比SOKO要强,大家扯平吧

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发表于 2012-6-15 22:03:02 | 显示全部楼层


對! 不回來, 對俄羅斯可能是好事  详情 回复 发表于 2012-6-16 12:43

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发表于 2012-6-15 23:45:38 | 显示全部楼层
biheart 发表于 2012-6-15 22:03
不管索大牌多么厉害。。这么个自我主义的人就算空降下来球队气氛能融洽咩。。。排球是团队项目。。如果俄罗 ...


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发表于 2012-6-16 00:02:47 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 askkiss2003 于 2012-6-16 00:03 编辑

说白了!女神跟索大牌现在都是靠手上技术来吃饭!一个37一个35年龄都不差多少!37那位是有领袖精神;35那位就太过自我,没有团队精神。拿来干什么呢?发动全世界去叫她回来打球,有必要吗?排球是集体项目,要全队正常发挥才能走上最高峰!阿塔跟索大牌作用都是一样,一传跟后排防守稳定军心。如果队伍还指望35 37去拼命的,我敢肯定娃娃离冠军还远点了点!当年不是阿塔伤得上了不场,我敢肯定所有粉丝要在05年后才能见到索大牌了!我看了很多发帖的,把一个没有团队精神的人抬高了好几个档次,这种发帖人肯定脑子没清醒的!

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发表于 2012-6-16 01:02:46 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2012-6-16 05:29:00 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2012-6-16 08:04:24 | 显示全部楼层


乱讲,谁说娃娃位估计帮不了女神如愿。 俄罗斯这批娃娃,拉出去PK一下也不见得弱于别人。 就拿中国队说你一个个PK下,也不见得全面落于下风,意大利、巴西、美国还有别的没?这群娃娃又怎么就一定不能如愿了。  详情 回复 发表于 2012-6-16 15:46

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发表于 2012-6-16 12:43:07 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 summers 于 2012-6-16 12:45 编辑
biheart 发表于 2012-6-15 22:03
不管索大牌多么厉害。。这么个自我主义的人就算空降下来球队气氛能融洽咩。。。排球是团队项目。。如果俄罗 ...

不回來, 俄羅斯內部氣氛融洽些, 是好事

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